
Let’s talk about HYPOTHERMIA. Even though it has been so hot outside, it is important to know what to do in the cold temperatures as well.

Hypothermia occurs when our core body temperature drops too low. The biggest risk factors for hypothermia are inadequate clothing and exhaustion. Make sure you dress appropriately for cold weather and take off clothing when it becomes wet, even from sweat.


-when core body temp drops to 95°-91°F.

-watch for shivering, strange behavior, lethargy, and stiff muscles.

-find shelter out of the wind and try and seek warmth or build a fire.


-when core body temp drops below 90°F.

-shivering will stop and victim will become unresponsive

-watch for stiff muscles, uncoordinated movements, weak, slow, irregular pulse, slow breathing, and coma with dilated pupils.

-rewarming the victim in a cold environment at this point is almost impossible, so focus on preventing further heat loss.

-take off any wet clothes, provide body-to-body contact, use hot water bottles, cover victim’s head with wool, and seek help!!!

Stay safe and enjoy the warm weather while you can!!