Disaster Medicine


CERT training


Various locations in Utah County




To be confirmed, but three all-day Friday and Saturday overnight camps, spaced closely enough that you don't forget everything from the last one, but far enough apart that your significant other is still speaking to you...

Topics Covered

Disaster Medicine

This exciting, innovative program has been developed in order to build on the medical skills and knowledge gained during the CERT program. It includes the full Wilderness First Responder certification, and adds in elements of disaster medicine and medical preparedness. It's important to point out here that this is not approved by or in any sponsored by or connect to the CERT program, or any particular CERT team. It's just aimed at CERT team members because we thought it would be of use and interest to them. 

What's it all about?

All medical skills and protocols are evidence-based, and are the official doctrines endorsed by the Wilderness Medical Society and other such organizations. 

The program takes a hybrid format, with around 20 hours of pre-class work that must be completed before attending the face-to-face portion. The remaining 60 hours is taught face-to-face over 3 x 2 day weekends, with overnight camps in between. During this section, we will focus on building proficient, practical medical skills in beautiful outdoor environments. 

Wilderness First Responder combines advanced first aid skills with environmental safety and prolonged field care. It also develops some of the critical-thinking skills needed to plan and execute a casualty evacuation over difficult terrain.   Disaster medicine includes aspects of medical preparedness, mass casualty incidents and some of the illnesses and hygiene issues that arise after a disaster. 

Who's it for?

This program is aimed at those who are not licensed healthcare professionals, who have completed the CERT program. You will bring with you the essentials of Stop the Bleed, patient assessment, splinting fractures and improvising patient litters. We will add to that taking vital signs, medication management, monitoring patient trends, and care over an extended period. And so much more! This program will not certify you as an EMT, but it will sure as heck help you to perform CERT medical duties with a huge new level of confidence and competence.  

What do I need to bring?

The course is taught completely outdoors, so you'll need to dress appropriately, and come armed with extra supplies in case the fickle Utah weather jumps 30 degrees and two seasons in the same day! 

The only pre-requisite for this course is completion of the CERT training program. But... 

An attitude to learn is essential. Persistence in the face of adversity and discomfort is handy. Determination to master the skills and really make them your own is pretty useful.  This isn't Navy SEAL training, but it's an intense program. You'll be carrying your own gear on your back and sometimes a patient too. It might be crazy hot or bone-shakingly cold. Most importantly, it's gonna be freaking AWESOME!

(P.S. There's also a kit list below).

Important Documents:


Frequently Asked Questions:

Medical form

Personal Kit List (Disaster)

Full curriculum

Wilderness First Responder Certificate* 

Stop the Bleed Certificate

CPR & AED Certificate*

(*These are certified by us, Wasatch Mountain Medicine. If you need your CPR / AED to be certified by the National Safety Council, or your WFR to be certified by the National Association for Search and Rescue, we can gladly arrange that for you. They will charge a fee which we will pass on to you). 

"How do I pay for the class?"

By sending $100 to our Venmo (@wasatch_mountain_medicine). Please choose the gift option to avoid any of us paying fees :D

"Are there any hidden extras?"

Nope. The class price includes all the training, certificates and materials.  WFR classes typically cost around $800 - this one isn't even being run at cost, it's just for the love of CERT and the skills. 

You will need to provide all of your own food, drinks, snacks, drink powders etc for the duration of each practical weekend! If your food needs cooking, you will need to bring a gas stove, pots and pans etc to cook it on. If it needs to be chilled, you will need to bring a device to achieve that. We recommend experimenting with dehydrated or freeze-dried meals, such as Mountain House. They are quick, tasty and easy to prepare and store. All training materials and equipment will be provided, along with water for washing, hand sanitizer etc.  The only other thing you need to pay for is your transport to and from the class.

"How does this all work?"

Once we've received your payment, we'll send you Joining Instructions on where to find us and when, what gear to bring etc.  

"How physically demanding is this course?"

Not hugely. I'm old (47 this year!!) and have arthritis in my knees and hips - as long as you can keep up with me, you'll be fine. Please let us know if you have any existing injuries or conditions on your medical form, and we'll do what we can to make the day as doable for you as possible. 

We'll be operating outdoors though, in whatever temperatures and weathers the Gods throw at us. Appropriate clothing and footwear is a must, as is an attitude of making the best of it. We'll provide shelters and covered training areas for some of the activities, but it's conceivable that you'll be either too hot or too cold at some point during the day. And hey, this is Utah, so maybe both... 

You will need to carry a daysack for extended periods, and we will do many practical scenarios to test your skills and knowledge. Some of these will be more demanding than others. Some will involve carrying a casualty over a chunk of distance. We're not out to injure anyone, and this course focuses on skills and knowledge, not physical fitness. Don't worry - you won't fail just because you're an 80 lb weakling!

For more information, please email us at:  wasatchmm@gmail.com

Our WFA, WFR and WEMT programs are accredited by NASAR