Kristina Anderson BS, NREMT-P, CCP, FP-C

·       Critical Care Flight Paramedic

·       Offshore & Remote Paramedic

·       Industrial Remote Environment Medical Specialist (IREMS)


·       Certified EMS Instructor

·       AHA Instructor (?)

Kristina has always been absolutely passionate about the outdoors and preserving the beautiful wilderness areas we all so love. Graduating with a Bachelor’s in Conservation and Land Management from the University of Idaho, she spends as much time as she can hiking, wild swimming, backpacking or hot springing, and is always looking for the next big adventure. In 2007 that big adventure was emergency medicine, and her career in EMS began. Cutting her teeth in a rural 911 service, Kristina soon found herself needing to provide advanced levels of care to critically sick and injured patients for many hours during extended transfers to definitive care. There she developed an awesome collection of critical thinking and decision-making skills that she would be invaluable to her as she studied to become a Medic.

Her former employers all agree that Kristina’s appetite for knowledge and skills is insatiable. If there’s a course out there that involves high-level medical skills in crazy situations, the chances are Kristina has either taken it or is teaching it. She is now certified as a Critical Care Flight Paramedic, Offshore and Remote Paramedic, as well as the very hard-won Industrial Remote Environment Medical Specialist (IREMS), which allows her to work as the sole medic in charge of an oil rig, or ship hundreds of miles from the nearest hospital.


Expedition item she absolutely can’t live without: “Headphones, for when the hiking gets really uncomfortable or hard and you just need to get through it”.